Rana Arshed Hafiz

Public Schools 360


I believe.....

Public education is the most significant tool we have in our country. To build America means— building the most effective secondary education system in the world. American entrepreneurship and innovation must be used to fuel this work. We must be courageous, committed and unapologetic as we ensure that every child, irrespective of their socioeconomic background is educated par excellence supporting them to become a productive citizen. Our schools must prepare students to be successful in the jobs of the future and, shaping the soul of a society, that is changing at an exponential pace fueled by the technological revolution facing the challenge of climate change. Preparing for a future, ensuring United States of America is the beacon of idealism, where dreams are realized, hard work is rewarded and vulnerable are cared for, our attention must be on building infrastructure especially that of institutions, that are foundational to our aspirations as a society. 

I have been a public school educator for close to 20 years and have been involved in discussions around effective schools my entire life.